Pott’d Canvas Creations Kit di Arte Astratta
Ora chiunque può creare splendide opere d'arte astratta a casa. Non è necessaria alcuna esperienza o attrezzatura aggiuntiva! Ogni kit Canvas Creations comprende tele, colori, attrezzi speciali per artisti e tante guide rapide. Grazie a questo kit imparerai a realizzare diversi stili, come quello a vortice e a spatola, l'arte astratta e psichedelica. Alla fine potrai ravvivare la tua casa con tre opere uniche.
Ora chiunque può creare splendide opere d'arte astratta a casa. Non è necessaria alcuna esperienza o attrezzatura aggiuntiva! Ogni kit Canvas Creations comprende tele, colori, attrezzi speciali per artisti e tante guide rapide. Grazie a questo kit imparerai a realizzare diversi stili, come quello a vortice e a spatola, l'arte astratta e psichedelica. Alla fine potrai ravvivare la tua casa con tre opere uniche.
🌈 Il kit comprende tutto il necessario per creare i tuoi capolavori:
3 tele pronte da appendere
5 colori acrilici in splendide tonalità
4 pennelli, 14 guide e schede di ispirazione
2 colori speciali per arte fluida
1 spatola
1 vassoio per arte fluida
1 tavolozza
1x foglia d'oro e colla
👩🎨 Per permettere a chiunque di realizzare le proprie opere d'arte abbiamo creato una raccolta di guide dettagliate e splendidamente illustrate che sono super facili e divertenti da seguire. Nel kit troverai anche tantissime foto per trovare l'ispirazione e dare sfogo alla tua creatività.
🧠 BONUS: il kit include anche link per accedere a video tutorial esclusivi che ti faranno diventare un professionista in un batter d'occhio! Concedi alla tua mente un po' di relax staccando la spina per un paio d'ore e risvegliando il tuo lato creativo. È dimostrato che dedicarsi all'arte e al lavoro creativo aiuta a rilassarsi e a trovare uno stato di flusso appagante.
Desideri che venga spedito oggi stesso? Completa l'ordine entro (Gli ordini effettuati a partire dalle 14:00 di venerdì fino alle 14:00 di lunedì saranno spediti il lunedì pomeriggio)
Domande frequenti
Don’t worry, delivery is always free, no matter how many kits you order. That’s the Pott’d way.
Riceverai il tuo kit a casa in soli 3-5 giorni lavorativi. Poca attesa, tanto divertimento.
Non ti piace o cercavi qualcosa di diverso? Non c'è problema, potrai restituire il kit in qualsiasi momento attraverso il nostro portale dei resi.
Il nostro kit è realizzato per il 90% da materiali riciclati e riciclabili, non tossici sia per le persone che per il pianeta.
A larger than expected set, comprising everything you need to create your own masterpiece - or 3, as there are 3 large canvases included. I am just a beginner, so I wanted this as a taster to combine art with a relaxing activity to improve mindfulness and mental health. It's very handy having all the equipment in one box as I didn't have to think of different individual things to get.The selection of acrylic paints I chose was a Spring Palette, which includes lovely pastel colours. This is somewhat limiting as in the process of painting, I would have liked to use other colours too. The addition of gold leaf is really fun and adds a contemporary texture to the paintings.There is a guide included, which I found helpful. As a tip, I would suggest practicing your design on paper first before moving on to canvas. Although the guide is aimed at abstract art, there is of course nothing to stop you from painting in whatever artistic style you choose.I think this is a fab idea. Would make a nice activity for a birthday party, date night or a hen party as it would be a fun way to spend time with friends and family creating art. It would also be a very thoughtful gift for the right recipient.
This would make a great gift for somebody who paints or would like to get into painting.it comes with the tools you need to create your very own masterpiece. It is quite large, I disnt realise how big it'd be when ordering but it has been very fun creating my own painting that I will be putting up on the wall. A great kit, recommended for anybody from beginners to pros who want enjoy a fun activity set.
This 'Pott’d Canvas Creations' painting kit is a great idea for introducing any budding artist to the world of abstract art, we ordered the kit for our eldest granddaughter, and although initially a little bemused by the product, it soon became quite an immersive experience. The kit isn't cheap, by any stretch of the imagination, however, the contents and overall quality of the items is near excellent, with everything you could possibly need to create some quite striking artwork.
My 13-year-old daughter is really enjoying this set. It comes with three canvases, and everything you need to make some amazing paintings.It comes with guide cards to help you, And they're so easy to follow. Great beginners art set. My daughter is only just learning acrylics and has only done one canvas so far, only due to time constraints, but she;s loving this set.Great value everything you need. Highly recommend.
The kit is amazing, great for a started kit!
Canvas Creations: Swirl Tutorial
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